Ascend manifesting and actualizing the essence of your Truth through the medium you choose. How pure ...
— G. Beverly Bergmann

Dr. Denise McDermott

Founder and CEO

“Ascension Media will help people use their own energy of suffering and use all the gifts of their own Higher Self to go from crisis to thriving. Love wins. Love conquers fear. Don’t mistake kindness for weakness.”


Cathleen O’Toole

Director of News and Communications

“Integrity is about making fine choices, and when a stumble does occur, standing tall, taking extreme ownership and doing better.”


Legacy of Love Ambassador

Children’s champion, multigenerational philanthropist, consciousness author and wife of visionary and television pioneer Ted Bergmann.

Emily Eddins

Musician, Writer & Visual Artist

Passionate creator of art, in all forms. Currently studying at Berklee College of Music— seeking to describe the beautiful complications of life through music.  

Listen to Emily’s song “Aging Heart”


Graphic Designer, Listener, Problem Solver

Graphic Designer who not only designs but listens. Design to capture a client’s goals, dreams, and personality. Because everyone is different, my design for each client is unique. I get there by listening to what is said and unsaid.